Payment Systems List

List of Inter-Bank Payment Systems from across the globe. Click on the country name to know the details.

Country CodeCountryPayment System NameSystem TypeOther CurrenciesSettlement TypeSettlement ModeOperatorRegulatorLink to Operator WebsiteLink to Regulator WebsiteCharges - ParticipantsCharges - End UserHolidaysNotes
BHBAHRAINBCTS - Bahrain Cheque Truncation SystemPaper Instruments-Multilateral NettingRTGS
BENEFIT CompanyOperator Type:3rd Party
Central Bank of BahrainRegulator Type:Central Bank
BHBAHRAINSSSS - Scripless Securities Settlement SystemSecurities Settlement-Multilateral NettingRTGS
Central Bank of BahrainOperator Type:Central Bank
Central Bank of BahrainRegulator Type:Central Bank
USDUS Dollar
GrossBooks of Central Bank
Central Bank of BahrainOperator Type:Central Bank
Central Bank of BahrainRegulator Type:Central Bank
BRBRAZILSILOC - Deferred Settlement System for Interbank Credit OrdersCredit Transfer-Multilateral NettingRTGS
CIPOperator Type:3rd Party
Banco Central do BrasilRegulator Type:Central Bank
BRBRAZILCentralizer Clearance for Checks (Centralizadora da Compensaรงรฃo de Cheques) - COMPEPaper Instruments-Multilateral NettingRTGS
Banco do BrasilOperator Type:Other Bank(s)
Banco Central do BrasilRegulator Type:Central Bank
BRBRAZILSITRAFImmediate Payments-HybridBooks of Central Bank
CIP-Interbank Payments ClearinghouseOperator Type:3rd Party
Banco Central do BrasilRegulator Type:Central Bank
BRBRAZILSTR - Reserves Transfer SystemRTGS-GrossBooks of Central Bank
Banco Central do BrasilOperator Type:Other Bank(s)
Banco Central do BrasilRegulator Type:Central Bank
CACANADAAFT creditsACH - Credit-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
ACSS - Automated Clearing Settlement System; Canadian Payments AssociationOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank of CanadaRegulator Type:Central Bank
CACANADAAutomated Funds Transfer (AFT) debitsACH - Debit-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
ACSS - Automated Clearing Settlement System; Canadian Payments AssociationOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank of CanadaRegulator Type:Central Bank
CACANADALVTS - Large Value Transfer SystemRTGS-GrossBooks of Central Bank
Canadian Payments AssociationOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank of CanadaRegulator Type:Central Bank
CNCHINABEPS - Bulk Electronic Payment SystemACH - Credit-Bilateral NettingRTGS
People's Bank of ChinaOperator Type:Central Bank
People's Bank of ChinaRegulator Type:Central Bank
00PBC charges fees to the originating participants purely to cover operating and maintenance
costs. Differentiated charging rates are applied to local and inter-province payment
transactions. The charge for inter-province payments is 1.5 times that for local payments. To
adjust the peak volume of the system and balance the volume in different time periods PBC
also sets different rates by processing time. At present for every payment transaction by
BEPS PBC charges from CNY 0.03 to 1.25. For non-payment messages the rate charged
differs by data flow ranging from CNY 0.01/kb to CNY 1/kb.
001) At the end of 2010 BEPS had 1730 direct participants 100510 indirect participants and
16 chartered participants.
2) At present the
ceiling on ordinary credit and standing order transactions handled by BEPS is CNY 50000;
there is no ceiling for other payment transactions.
CNCHINAHVPS - High Value Payment SystemRTGS-GrossBooks of Central Bank
People's Bank of ChinaOperator Type:Central Bank
People's Bank of ChinaRegulator Type:Central Bank
00PBC charges fees to the originating participants purely to cover operating and maintenance
costs in the long run. For every payment transaction the charge is CNY 5.5. For inquiries
return applications and other non-payment messages the charge is CNY 1.
00At the end of 2010 there were 1729 direct participants 100510 indirect participants and
6 chartered participants
DKDENMARKVP Settlement SystemSecurities Settlement-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
VP SecuritiesOperator Type:3rd Party
Danmarks NationalbankRegulator Type:Central Bank
DKDENMARKExpress ClearingCredit Transfer-GrossBooks of Central Bank
NetsOperator Type:3rd Party
Danmarks NationalbankRegulator Type:Central Bank
DKDENMARKBetalingsserviceACH - Debit-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
NetsOperator Type:3rd Party
Danmarks NationalbankRegulator Type:Central Bank
DKDENMARKIntraday ClearingCredit Transfer-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
NetsOperator Type:3rd Party
Danmarks NationalbankRegulator Type:Central Bank of amounts between banks takes place four times a day ย– at 1:30 am 9:00 am 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm. This makes it possible to transfer money from an account at one bank to an account at another bank within the same day. Only credit transfers including consumers' online banking transfers can be effected via the Intraday Clearing.
DKDENMARKSum ClearingACH - Credit-Multilateral NettingRTGS
NetsOperator Type:3rd Party
Danmarks NationalbankRegulator Type:Central Bank of amounts between banks takes place once a day ย– at 1:30 am. Net positions are calculated on the basis of two subclearings: electronic clearing and truncation and PBS clearing. Electronic clearing and truncation comprises settlement of inpayment forms cash withdrawals from ATMs and OverfรธrselsService (transfer service). PBS clearing comprises payments using Nets' own products including Dankort payments and transfers via Betalingsservice (direct debit) and LeverandรธrService (supplier service). Payments using international payment cards are also included.
DKDENMARKKronosRTGS-GrossBooks of Central Bank
Danmarks NationalbankOperator Type:Central Bank
Danmarks NationalbankRegulator Type:Central Bank
ININDIAIMPSImmediate Payments-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
NPCIOperator Type:3rd Party
RBIRegulator Type:Central Bank
ININDIAClearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL)Securities Settlement-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
CCILOperator Type:3rd Party
RBIRegulator Type:Central Bank
ININDIAReal Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) SystemRTGS-GrossBooks of Central Bank
BanksOperator Type:Other Bank(s)
RBIRegulator Type:Central Bank for RTGS vary from bank to bank. RBI has prescribed upper limit for the fees which can be charged by all banks both for NEFT and RTGSa) Inward transactions ย– 1% no charge to be levied.

b) Outward transactions ย–
- For transactions of ?2 lakhs to ?5 lakhs -up to ?25 per transaction plus applicable Time Varying Charges (?1/- to ?5/-); total not exceeding ?30 per transaction (+ Service Tax).
- Above ?5 lakhs - ?50 per transaction plus applicable Time Varying Charges (?1/- to ?5/-); total charges not exceeding ?55 per transaction (+ Service Tax).

No time varying charges are applicable for RTGS transactions settled up to 1300 hrs
ININDIANational Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) SystemCredit Transfer-HybridBooks of Central Bank
BanksOperator Type:Other Bank(s)
RBIRegulator Type:Central Bank 5/ per transaction if the transaction amount is less than Rs. 1 lakh
Rs. 25/- per transaction if the transaction amount is more than Rs. 1 lakh
harges are waived for customers availing services at our branches in North Eastern States
ININDIAPaper-based PaymentsPaper Instruments-Multilateral NettingBooks of 3rd Party
3rd Party BanksOperator Type:Other Bank(s)
Reserve Bank of IndiaRegulator Type:Central Bank
0 on NI act.0
JPJAPANZenginImmediate Payments-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
Zengin-Net - Japanese Banksย’ Payment Clearing NetworkOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank of JapanRegulator Type:Central Bank original fast payment system is Japanย’s Zengin. The Zengin system allows consumers and
businesses to initiate fast domestic payments and collections (direct debits) using a number of
methods ranging from paper based instructions and ATM transactions (neither of which fits our
definition) to online and mobile payment initiation. As the system has evolved over time virtually
all deposit-taking financial institutions in Japan now participate in the Zengin system which
processes payment requests in real-time during normal business hours.
Zengin is notable not only for the early development of fast payments but also for its commitment
to continued innovation since 1973 adapting the system to changing consumer and business
behaviour as well as to the evolution of thinking on the topic of payment systems risk by global and
national regulators. Zengin-Netย’s mission statement includes the following statement: ย“We aim to
realise a clearing system that responds flexibly to environmental changes and is able to continually
undergo innovation.ย” While the speed remains the same Japanย’s flavour of fast has changed with
the times.
With the Sixth Generation Zengin System implemented in late 2011 Japan now has a fast payment
system that supports bulk and individual message payment requests a dual scheme that supports
both net settlement and real-time settlement based on value (RTGS for payments greater than 100
million yen) and optional use of XML-based formats including ISO20022 for certain message types.
KEKENYANairobi Automated Clearing HouseACH - Credit-Multilateral Netting0
Central Bank of KenyaOperator Type:Central Bank
Regulator Type:Central Bank
KEKENYAKEPSS- Kenya Electronic Payment and Settlement SystemRTGS-GrossBooks of Central Bank
Central Bank of KenyaOperator Type:Central Bank
Central Bank of KenyaRegulator Type:Central Bank
MYMALAYSIAJomPAYBill Payment System-Multilateral NettingRTGS
MyClearOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank Negara MalaysiaRegulator Type:Central Bank 42 banks
MYMALAYSIAMalaysian Electronic Payment System Sdn. Bhd (MEPS)ATM Network-Multilateral NettingRTGS
MEPSOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank Negara MalaysiaRegulator Type:Central Bank
MYMALAYSIAFPX - Financial Process ExchangeOnline Bank Payments-Multilateral NettingRTGS
MyClearOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank Negara MalaysiaRegulator Type:Central Bank 15 Banks
MYMALAYSIADirect DebitACH - Debit-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
MyClearOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank Negara MalaysiaRegulator Type:Central Bank for customers charges applicable for billers01. 22 participants
MYMALAYSIAIBG - Interbank GIROCredit Transfer-Multilateral NettingRTGS
MyClearOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank Negara MalaysiaRegulator Type:Central Bank banks only charge a small fee of RM0.10* per transaction for Internet or Mobile Banking while Over the Counter (OTC) charges are subject to individual banks' discretion.Saturday Sunday Holidays1. 42 participants
MYMALAYSIASistem Penjelasan Imej Cek Kebangsaan (eSPICK)Paper Instruments-Multilateral NettingBooks of Central Bank
MyClearOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank Negara MalaysiaRegulator Type:Central Bank 1 Jan 2015 banks will charge a cheque processing fee of 50 sen on the issuer of the cheque. This fee is in addition to the existing stamp duty of 15 sen per cheque leaf as announced by Bank Negara on 20th March 20130CTS based system
MYMALAYSIARENTAS - Real Time Electronics Transfer of Funds and SecuritiesRTGS-GrossBooks of Central Bank
MyClearOperator Type:3rd Party
Bank Negara MalaysiaRegulator Type:Central Bank
0 69 participants
NZNEW ZEALANDBulk Electronic Clearing System - Direct DebitsACH - Debit-Multilateral NettingRTGS
Payments NZOperator Type:3rd Party
Reserve Bank of New ZealandRegulator Type:Central Bank
NZNEW ZEALANDPaper Clearing SystemPaper Instruments-Multilateral NettingRTGS
Payments NZOperator Type:3rd Party
Reserve Bank of New ZealandRegulator Type:Central Bank